International Conference “Well-being 2020: knowledge for informed decisions”

Hotel Parc Bellevue, Luxembourg, 18 – 21 of March 2020
Organized by The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) and the Ministry of the Economy, Luxembourg
Endorsed by the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS;
This international conference will bring together leading scholars to discuss the quest for better lives. Economists traditionally advocated economic growth as the foremost policy goal, but now even economists often challenge this view. The discussion remains open, indeed flourishes, with more contributors than ever. How do we promote well-being? What are the best policies? What is the role for civil society?
The conference will take place over three and a half days from 18 – 21 of March 2020. We have scheduled one keynote speaker for each day and a roundtable discussing how policy-makers can integrate the findings from well-being studies.
Topics of the conference
This is an interdisciplinary conference welcoming contributions from every field of social sciences, such as: economics, sociology, psychology, and political sciences. We especially welcome papers on the following topics:
· Correlates and consequences of well-being and ill-being (e.g. personality, wealth, productivity, immigration, occupation, health);
· Well-being over time;
· Well-being inequality;
· Inequality, social capital, and inclusive growth;
· Well-being and the changing environment;
· Public or private interventions for well-being and their evaluations;
· Future directions in well-being research.
· Well-being and ill-being metrics (e.g. single indicators vs. dashboards; micro vs. macro);
Key-note speakers
Our four key-note speakers are: prof. Stefano Bartolini, University of Siena; Mr. John De Graaf, an American author, journalist and film-maker; prof. Carol Graham, Brookings Institution and University of Maryland; and prof. Andrew Oswald, University of Warwick.
Round table
On Friday morning the conference will host a round table on “Policy meets research” where representatives of institutions will discuss advantages, disadvantages and limitations of the well-being approach in policy making.
Paper submission and deadlines
To apply, please, submit an abstract complete with name of the author/s and a title to: Extended abstracts and full manuscripts are welcome.
The deadline for application is the 15 October 2019. We will notify the authors of accepted papers by mid-December 2019.
For more information, please, visit our conference web-site ( or send an e-mail to:
We look forward to welcoming you in Luxembourg,
The scientific committee:
Serge Allegrezza, STATEC
Martijn Burger, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Conchita d’Ambrosio, University of Luxembourg
Johannes Hirata, Osnabruck University
Kelsey O’Connor, STATEC
Chiara Peroni, STATEC
Maurizio Pugno, University of Cassino
Francesco Sarracino, STATEC
visit our website ( or feel free to contact us (
The deadline for submissions is the 15th of October 2019.