The Journal of Well-being and Leisure in Africa (JWLA) is a scientific, blind peer-reviewed journal, which elicits anonymous reviews of a high standard.
The Journal of Well-being and Leisure in Africa (JWLA) is a scientific, blind peer-reviewed journal, which elicits anonymous reviews of a high standard. JWLA is an open access journal and is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution International. The JWLA accepts manuscripts from the African continent as well as within the international context from the broader Social-, Economic & Management- and Natural (health) Sciences.
The JWLA is devoted, but not limited to research in:
- Well-being (happiness, satisfaction with life, quality-of-life, and life domains) and
- Leisure (leisure well-being) in its broadened form.
The outcomes should focus on:
- Well-being as a multidimensional concept, and
- JWLA furthermore encourages a multidisciplinary approach, from the perspective of individuals, communities and society.
Publication is:
- Annually, with multiple volumes.
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