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CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS for Linking Sustainability and Happiness: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives

28 Mar 2020 2:18 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)



Linking Sustainability and Happiness: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives

Contracted with Springer Nature,, the book will present both applied and theoretical perspectives linking sustainability and happiness. The volume will offer critical discussion, constructive insights and informed guidance for future research and applied work that can move us closer toward a sustainable future. We will open the book with a critical review of environmental, social, and economic sustainability theories and happiness principles. We will also include an overview of the biological underpinnings of happiness, mainly focused on subconscious actions that promote our own fitness. The book will then include two major parts where authors can contribute, as detailed below, followed by a concluding section.

This edited volume with all new material is planned at 12-16 chapters of original work. Chapter authors are invited from around the globe, providing a variety of theories, practices, and perspectives.  There are two major parts to the volume: Part I - theories and methodologies that link sustainability and happiness (e.g., participatory research, quality of life research, sustainable development theories, asset-based community development, spirituality perspectives, and emerging theories on sustainable community development and happiness, community well-being, integrative medicine and happiness, and beauty and happiness); and Part II - applied practices meant to promote greater opportunities for happiness on the ground. Practices should also focus on simultaneously promoting sustainability. Many examples and experiences are welcomed.

Proposals are sought for all sections. Please submit your chapter proposal to me at: Proposals should include: (1) your proposed title; (2) an abstract of no more than 500 words; (3) section preference (Part I or II); (4) format type - whether short essay of up to 2500 words, or chapter length from 2500 – 8000 words; (5) your contact information; and (6) a short ½ page biography. The format for the volume will be APA style. Anticipated publication date is 2019. The due date for proposals is March 31, 2020 (decisions on proposals will be sent by April 5, 2020 with full chapters due by July 1, 2020). Chapter authors receive a copy of the book, once published. Please reach out with questions.

Scott Cloutier, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, School of Sustainability

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85282

P: (603) 285-2296 E:


March 31st, 2020

The International Society for
Quality-of-Life Studies

P.O. Box 118
Gilbert, Arizona, 85299, USA


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