Congratulations to Masood A. Badri on the completion of the ISQOLS Certification in Quality-of-Life Research: Related to Community Indicators Projects!
Learn more about the Certification program: Certification Program
What made you decide to pursue the Community Indicators Researcher Certificate course?
I think this course is the only one that I found that focuses on the process of planning, developing, and implementing community QOL indicators from start to finish. I could not believe it that I could get such a rich experience (online) and at my pace. Having an engineering background, but currently serving as Advisor to the Abu Dhabi Department of Community Development (DCD) Chairman, my role requires to be close to towns, cities, and regions with all their specific categories. Reading through the mission of the Community Indicators Researcher Certificate, I was certain, I found what I am looking for.
How would you describe the course experience?
Reading through the cases, was the richest experience. The cases were picked so intelligently. They covered the whole spectrum of QOL. I though after analyzing the first case, that the second one would be same and easier to analyze; but the second one was (another world) completely different. It required a completely different way of thinking. To be honest, I could not wait for the third case; I was write, it was a movie full of drama, mystery, and action. totally amazing. It enforces the notion that you cannot just copy what other countries or cities have done. It requires looking at unique settings to design QOL indicators.
How long did it take you to complete this certificate program? How many hours per week (on average) did you dedicate to the program? Were you able to balance your normal work/life activities alongside this certificate program?
I do not think it is a matter of how many hours per week it took me to complete the course. Reading the manual took me only few hours, and reading each case took me like 2 hours on the average. However, I was stopping even after each paragraph to see the insights presented. It becomes a matter of passion, and hence, you lose counting hours. For example, I was working on the second case, and suddenly my daughter told me, "you have been with this case the whole day". Honestly I lost the perception of time completely. I missed a very important meeting, but I am not to blame. Reading and analyzing each case required that I live the circumstances and the facts. Time had no significance in my case. I need to add too that reading each case gave more passion to dig deeper into the web searching for related sources. Time had no value, especially when land on a (specific site) related to the case but with more details and insights. Such experience lets a person forget about time completely.
How did this certificate program impact and/or increase your knowledge of your field of study?
I have attended many conferences, and workshops around the world on QOL. Usually, the sessions or presentations reflect a specific part of the project or outcome. But each of the cases presented in the certification program provided the whole picture from start until end. Each case posed questions of (why?), and (why not). Each case made me go deeper into the (circumstances) and the (realities). The cases presented (hard) realities that copying the best of what other countries or cites have done is not the way. The cases force the (dedicated) analyst to look deeper into the communities with its unique features and settings. I am in charge of the QOL survey in Abu Dhabi, this unique experience gave the in-depth understanding of the whole process. It gave me many ideas that I would implement to enrich my understanding of the whole process.
Would you recommend this certificate to others? If yes, why?
The ISQOLS Certification in Quality-of-Life Research program is designed to enrich researchers to better grasp the full understanding of their specializing in community indicators projects. I consider my experience in this program as additional rich training in all aspects of the matter. Now, and with complete pride, I say that I AM OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED IN QOL. I always wanted to say that. But I say it now with PRIDE.