Call for Papers for the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies Sponsored Session at the Community Indicators Consortium 2020 Virtual Impact Summit
August 3-7, 2020
The Community Indicators Consortium 2020 Virtual Impact Summit will showcase how data and community indicators are or can be used to foster opportunity, catalyze change and advance community resilience.
ISQOLS is seeking to sponsor a session with a series of presentations on measures of Quality-of-Life from an academic perspective. Professional practitioners within the Community Indicators Consortium are interested in hearing about new or promising QOL indicators supported by quality research, where the correlations between the indicator(s) and overall quality-of-life, including sustainability and wellbeing, are strong, as well as insight on how apply these indices in a real-world setting.
ISQOLS will sponsor the conference fees for accepted presenters.
We are seeking a session chair as well as 4 presenters for this session.
Please send a 350-word abstract to office@isqols.org by July 3rd.