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This book explores Positive Youth Development (PYD) in Roma ethnic minority youth. Standing apart from current volumes, this book focuses on the Roma ethnic minority — one of the most marginalized and oppressed minority groups in Europe — and on strengths and resources for optimal well-being in the community. The international and multidisciplinary contributors to this book address the complexities of Roma life in a variety of cultural settings, exploring how key developmental processes and person-context interactions can contribute to optimal and successful adaptation. The conclusions clarify how the PYD of ethnic minority children and youth may be fostered based on the empirical findings reported in the volume. The book draws on core theoretical models of PYD and theories of normative development from the perspective of developmental science to highlight the applicability of these frameworks to Roma groups. With a special focus on cultural, contextual, and socio-economic characteristics of Roma, this project also aims to provide a better understanding of what does and what does not contribute to the success of youth in oppressed minority groups.
Congratulations to Prof.Dr. Fouad Beseiso Scientific Contributions in Jan.2023 Green Economy as a refuge in Adapting to Climate Change Human disastrous Impacts
My Contribution
Prof.Dr. Fouad Beseiso Scientific Contributions in Jan.2023
Green Economy as a refuge in Adapting to Climate Change Human disastrous Impacts
As a founder and active member I participated in the Arab Society for Economic Research (ASFER) in its initiated first public lecture of its scientific and cultural season for the year 2023, presented by Prof. Dr. Atef Coprusi, Professor Emeritus of Economics at McMaster University, Canada, and Board Member in the Arab Society for Economic Research. This lecture which has been presented on 25/1/2023 gave illustrations on "The challenges and human disastrous impact of climate change on Arab countries development and the potential for sustainable development in light of the twenty-seventh Egypt Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27)"
I gave some comments related to the green economy role and its determinants related to the production aspects with relation mainly to the financial sector led by Central Banks in playing its human sustained role in adapting to the climate changes.
I refer in the following to some of the main addressed issues related to the lecture topic and my contribution to this issue.
First: Dr. Kobrosi highlights:
Climate Change and Arab Development
As the climate change has been emerging as a basic human wellbeing crisis impacting even the political, economic and social stability on national, regional and international basis, issues of adapting to the disastrous human impact caused by the climate change have become a priority for national and global action programmes.
Climate disasters increase political and social instability, and increase economic and financial imbalances, in addition to reducing per capita income, job opportunities, and growth.
Arab countries are suffering more than the world standards of suffering from the climate changes. Following indicator gave illustration on this serious climate change and environmental crisis.
Second: My comments
As the climate change has been emerging as a basic human wellbeing crisis, a revolution on the traditional economic sciences which had been based upon the objective of maximizing material wealth, produced a newly human economic thought directed to the human moral economy designed for human sustained development which resulted in the birth of green economic system.
The concept of 'green economy' refers to economic activity and growth that aims to achieve sustainable development taking into account the reduction of environmental risks and the scarcity of environmental resources. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) defines a green economy as "a system of economic activities that will improve the quality of human life in the long term, without exposing future generations to environmental risks or serious ecological scarcity."
Analysts and experts expect that the development of the green economy and changing unsustainable consumption patterns will lead to economic growth in the public and private sectors, as building a green economy is a path towards achieving sustainable development that includes social, environmental and economic development as a whole. Near-term environmental investments positively impact environmental wealth, employment opportunities and social services in the long term.
Environment pillar and children education and culture
As education and culture play a leading role in society's civilized and socio-economic progress and human well-being, their role as played for environmental pillar inclusion into sustained human development seems to suffer many education and cultural gaps, mainly in relation to planting the seeds of environmental protection into the minds and behavioral actions and morals of humans beginning with their childhood. As we have a wise common saying states " knowledge in childhood is like engraving in stone " and as the sustained long-term environmental protection need for sustained human well-being, these conceptual as well as practical determinants justify strongly the feasibility of instituting environment as educational, Knowledgeable and cultural issue for children in all of their life stages including the pre and during the primary education stages.
Prof. Dr. Fouad H. Beseiso
ISQOLS 2023 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship is intended to support one postdoctoral candidate conducting research in quality-of-life, happiness, and/or wellbeing studies.
The ISQOLS 2023 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow is Dr. Emma Pleeging
Dr. Emma Pleeging is a senior researcher and project coordinator at the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation (EHERO) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her work focuses on the role of positive experiences such as happiness and hope in society, organizations and for individuals.
ISQOLS Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
2023 ISQOLS Prize for the Best Dissertation on Quality-of-Life, Well-being, and Happiness
The International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) calls for nominations for the “2023 ISQOLS Prize for the Best Dissertation on Quality-of-Life, Well-being, and Happiness.” The deadline for nominations is January 31st, 2023.
The aim of the prize is to promote the activity of young researchers working on quality-of-life, happiness, and well-being issues. All dissertations that have been successfully defended during the two calendar years prior to the award deadline are eligible for consideration.
ISQOLS awards the best dissertation with a lump sum of $1,500 USD, one-year free membership to ISQOLS, one-year free access to the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life Studies, and free registration to the 21st ISQOLS conference that will be held in August 2023 in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
ISQOLS 2023 Conference
Call for Abstracts for Papers and Posters: *extension* deadline February 15
The 21st Conference of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies
August 21st – August 25th / Rotterdam, the Netherlands
The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) is holding its 21st conference in the thriving city of Rotterdam, home of the Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization (EHERO) and the World Database of Happiness. The theme of the conference is “Towards a People-First Economy and Society: A World to Win”. Confirmed keynote speakers are Jan-Emmanuel De Neve (Oxford University), Jan Delhey (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg), Barbara Fredrickson (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Amanda Janoo (Wellbeing Alliance), and Ruut Veenhoven (Erasmus University Rotterdam).
Call for Abstracts for Workshops, Special Sessions, Papers and Posters
Learn more:
2023 Conference Rotterdam
ISQOLS 2022 End of year summary:
2022 ISQOLS End of year summary.pdf
Farewell letter from ISQOLS 2021-22 President, Carol Graham
Please read here:
ISQOLS Farewell from President Carol Graham.pdf
Is it possible that policy affects our sleep?
Dr. Lihi Lahat
One of the most important things for well-being is sleep. Not having enough sleep has repercussions on health, memory, abilities, and mood. Health organizations, such as the United States National Sleep Foundation and the CDC, suggest a range between seven and nine hours of sleep is appropriate for adults, and while it may change by age group and by country, we had surprising findings for Israelis. In a survey we conducted, adult Israelis reported a low number of sleep hours (mean 6.6) and asked for an average of one hour more to sleep, more than any other uses of time. This was a surprising finding: we assumed Israelis, as a very friendly and family-oriented society, would ask for more leisure time and more time to spend with family. The findings showed long hours of care and paid work dramatically affected the level of sleep. We argue these findings can be better understood if we take into account not just social norms, but also official policies, such as work hours or care assistance. In fact, we suggest policies may hinder sleep, a side effect that policymakers might not consider.
A study recently published in Policy Studies (with Professor Itai Sened) presents our findings on sleep hours and desired sleep hours and reflects on the findings in light of the Israeli policy context. The Israeli case is interesting - Israelis have a high number of children, the highest in the OECD, with 3.1 children per woman, and policies that encourage the inclusion of different populations in the workforce. However, the investment in care services for children and older populations is underdeveloped. The combination of a high number of children with a high number of work hours and underdeveloped care services leads to a high burden, especially for parents of small children. In Israel (and likely elsewhere), the dual care-work burden affects sleep and well-being.
Our work calls for policymakers to be more aware of the cumulative side effects of policies. For example, school hours, quality of care services, and regulations on work hours should be taken into consideration together, not as separate policies. A more holistic policy perspective might lead to better sleep and well-being not just in the Israeli case but in other countries with a dual work-care burden.
To cite this article: Lihi Lahat & Itai Sened (2022): The politics and policies of sleep? Empirical findings and the policy context. Policy Studies. DOI:10.1080/01442872.2022.2057460
To link to this article:
Lihi Lahat Ph.D. is a senior lecturer in the Department of Administration & Public Policy at Sapir Academic College and an Affiliate Associate Professor, Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies, Concordia University, Montreal. Her papers have been published in Policy Sciences, Social Policy & Administration, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Management and Governance, Review of Public Personnel Administration, and Poverty & Public Policy.
Changes in Subjective Well-Being are not Related to Income Growth
Recent research conducted by Richard Easterlin of the University of Southern California and Kelsey J. O’Connor of STATEC Research (Luxembourg) challenges traditional economic policy targets, confirming previous findings that changes in subjective well-being are not related to income growth in the long-run.
The new results, published in the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, are based on the most extensive relevant data sets, including the Gallup World Poll with more than 120 relevant countries. Even in the relatively less affluent countries, economic growth does not lead to greater subjective well-being. China serves as a notable example – from 1990 to 2018, the country experienced largely unprecedented economic growth but little to no increase in subjective well-being.
The authors address common criticisms. One of the more persistent is based on fluctuations in GDP per capita and subjective well-being. It is true that they are positively related in the short-run, especially when GDP per capita falls in times of recession; however, in longer periods characterized by both recessions and expansions, the impact of economic growth is reduced to nil.
How did wealthier countries get to be better off if economic growth does not lastingly increase well-being? They got a head start implementing the insights from social science – insights such as monetary and fiscal policy to stabilize business cycles, and the social safety net. This implementation did not depend greatly on income however. Germany initiated social insurance in the 1880s when it had real GDP per capita of less than $4000 (in 2011 dollars). Likewise, Costa Rica (who reports subjective well-being among the highest in the world) implemented social policy at a similarly low level of real GDP per capita, approximately $3000 in the 1940s.
The present insights indicate policy makers should go beyond GDP to promote subjective well-being. Additional studies by the authors provide initial evidence supporting full employment and social safety net policies. We need more evidence generally, but know it is possible to promote subjective well-being. On average it has trended upward around the world in the past few decades.
The article provides further support for and explanation of the often-debated Easterlin Paradox. First discovered by Richard Easterlin in 1974, the Easterlin Paradox consists in the findings that richer people (or countries) on average report higher subjective well-being than poorer ones, but over time this relationship vanishes, that is changes in subjective well-being are not related to income growth in the long run.
Social comparisons can explain the seemingly contradictory findings between the point-of-time and time series relationships. People benefit from comparing their incomes with those of the less fortunate (and the less fortunate report less subjective well-being when comparing their incomes to the wealthy), but over time, as incomes increase throughout the population, the incomes of one’s comparison group rises along with one’s own income, which vitiates the otherwise positive effect of own-income growth on subjective well-being.
The full research results are available in the publication:
Easterlin R.A., O’Connor K.J. (2021) The Easterlin Paradox. In: Zimmermann K.F. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham.
A free working paper version is available from the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA).
---------------------------- Richard Estes and Joe Sirgy would like to announce with great sadness the passing of Harry Halloran—a friend, colleague and philanthropist who contributed to the support of many ISQOLS activities. Acting in his capacity as President and Chairman of the Board of the American Refining Group, Harry allocated a large share of the organization’s profits to funding Halloran Philanthropies, a not-for-profit charity which continues to focus on building ethical leadership among emerging entrepreneurs, environmental protection through the use of non-fossil fuels, cultural renewal among indigenous peoples, and the advancement of worldwide quality of life through scholarship. Consistent with these goals Harry supported original research and writing projects for a large number of the Society’s most seasoned scholars, supported many interim conferences as well as three of the Society’s international meetings. The Society, in turn, acknowledged Harry’s varied contributions by awarding Halloran Philanthropies the 2016 Award for the Betterment of the Human Condition. Thank you Harry and may you Rest In Peace.
Richard Estes and Joe Sirgy would like to announce with great sadness the passing of Harry Halloran—a friend, colleague and philanthropist who contributed to the support of many ISQOLS activities. Acting in his capacity as President and Chairman of the Board of the American Refining Group, Harry allocated a large share of the organization’s profits to funding Halloran Philanthropies, a not-for-profit charity which continues to focus on building ethical leadership among emerging entrepreneurs, environmental protection through the use of non-fossil fuels, cultural renewal among indigenous peoples, and the advancement of worldwide quality of life through scholarship.
Consistent with these goals Harry supported original research and writing projects for a large number of the Society’s most seasoned scholars, supported many interim conferences as well as three of the Society’s international meetings. The Society, in turn, acknowledged Harry’s varied contributions by awarding Halloran Philanthropies the 2016 Award for the Betterment of the Human Condition. Thank you Harry and may you Rest In Peace.
The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS)
Address: ISQOLS P.O. Box 118 Gilbert, Arizona, 85299, USA