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  • 27 Apr 2020 4:33 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    A Global Scientific Community? Universalism Versus National Parochialism in Patterns of International Communication in Sociology

    by Max Haller 

    The paper starts from the thesis that unhindered international communication is a central characteristic of modern science. Second, the paper argues that scientific progress cannot be defined unequivocally in the social sciences. Four structures inhibit free international communication (linguistic barriers, the size of a national sociological community, the quality of scientific research, and the influence of specific sociologists and their schools). Third, three kinds of data are used to investigate the relevance of these factors: The participation in international congresses, the quotation patterns in major sociological journals and the reasons for the exceptional success of three sociologists, from the USA, France and Germany, respectively. Finally, a short hint toward the development of sociology outside the Western world is given. The paper concludes with some reflections on strategies to change the one-sided, asymmetrical communication in sociology toward a more balanced pattern.

  • 26 Apr 2020 6:59 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Thoughts about time in times of quarantine

    Lihi Lahat

    During the last weeks of the Covid-19 pandemic, reality has reframed itself. It seems the only way to maintain our well-being is to focus on the present moment. Furthermore, the situation has led us to alter the way we use our time, and this suggests a more profound question – how do we want to use our time? Social scholars, economists, physicists, philosophers, and other researchers have always contemplated the riddle of time. Many studies have looked at the way different ​individuals and ​groups use their time and at trends in uses of time; thus, a considerable amount of knowledge has been accumulated. In the last two decades, researchers have noted a clear link between uses of time and quality of life. Despite this now known connection, policymakers still pay limited attention to uses of time. 

    A recent study I conducted with Professor Itai Sened focused on institutional structures, uses of time, and well-being. In a study published in the Journal of European Social Policy, we examined the connection between uses of time and well-being using two measurements of well-being and in two typologies of welfare regimes based on data collected in 34 countries. Our findings indicated that uses of time have an effect on well-being but are expressed differently in various welfare regimes. For example, like others, we found personal time contributed to well-being. But in three social welfare regimes, including the social-democratic one, well-being was higher, more time was devoted to personal activities, and less time was devoted to working than in three others, including an Eastern European welfare regime. In a follow-up study, funded by Israel’s National Insurance Institute, we found that different populations in Israel had diverse preferences for uses of time. For example, full-time salaried employees and self-employed workers wished to work fewer hours than they currently worked, while retirees wished to spend less time on housework and care and to devote a bit more time to paid work. Overall, our work emphasizes the importance of considering the effect of policy on uses of time and incorporating preferences for time use in policies to promote well-being.

    Many studies use an objective measurement of time, what is commonly called ‘clock time’, but time has subjective and context-oriented features. Different people experience time differently; for instance, some enjoy long work hours while others do not. Moreover, each country has different, policies, regulations, and norms that affect the uses of time. France, for example, has a 35-hour official workweek. The way we use our time is vital to us as well as to our family, community, and society. Thus, it is important to continue to explore the connection between policy and uses of time in various country contexts.

     The post-coronavirus reality will call for creative solutions. In light of a possible shortage of economic resources, using the available data on uses of time in different countries and reconsidering time may open up new policy alternatives. More awareness among policymakers and citizens that many of our decisions do not adequately address the way we use our time, alongside policies that will allow alternative uses of time, might improve our quality of life and well-being. 

    For full article see:

    Lahat, L., & Sened, I. (2019). Time and Well-Being, An Institutional, Comparative Perspective. Is it Time to explore the idea of a Time Policy? Journal of European Social Policy

    1An early version of this post was published in Hebrew at the Espanet Israel website.

    Lihi Lahat (Ph.D., Tel Aviv University, Israel) is a senior lecturer in the Department of Administration & Public Policy at Sapir Academic College and Affiliate Associate Professor, Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies, Concordia University, Montreal. Her papers have been published in journals such as Policy Sciences, Social Policy & Administration, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Management and Governance and Poverty & Public Policy.

  • 10 Apr 2020 10:14 AM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Community Quality of Life and Well-Being

    Publish your next book in this series!

    Series Editor: Rhonda Phillips Editorial Board: Meg Holden, Simon Fraser University, Canada; Charlotte Khan, The Boston Foundation, US; Youngwha Kee, Soongsil University, Korea; Alex Michalos, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada; Don Rahtz, College of William and Mary, US; Joseph Sirgy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, US.

    Aims and Scope Community Quality of Life and Well-being is a book series comprised of volumes related to local and regional level research, providing current and leading edge information to planners, policy makers, and quality of life researchers involved in community and regional well-being research and application. Formerly entitled Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Practices, the series reflects the broad scope of well-being. In addition to best practices of community quality-of-life indicators projects the series welcomes a variety of research and practice topics as related to overall community well-being and quality of life dimensions, relating to policy, application, research, and/or practice. Research on issues such as societal happiness, quality of life domains in the policy construct, measuring and gauging progress, dimensions of urban and regional planning and community development, and related topics are anticipated.

    This series is published by Springer in partnership with the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS), a global society with the purpose of promoting and encouraging research and collaboration in quality of life and well-being theory and applications. More information about ISQOLS can be found at The Editor welcomes proposals for both edited volumes and authored monographs contributions on topics such as:

    • Quality of Life in Communities Societal Happiness Social Health and Well-Being Life Satisfaction in various life domains Well-Being Theories and Applications Quality of Life for Policy Development Measuring and Gauging Quality of Life Dimensions of Planning and Community Development Indicators of Well-Being Overall Community Well-Being

    We look forward to receiving your book proposal

    Please contact Series Editor Rhonda Phillips: For more information and a proposal form for submitting a proposal for the series:

    CQoLWB Book Series Call for Proposals.pdf

  • 28 Mar 2020 3:11 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Australian Centre on Quality of Life

    This site contains substantial resources useful to students, academics and practioners who are concerned with the science of life quality. Members also receive a weekly issue of our ‘ACQol Bulletin’ which, inter alia, includes a published paper for discussion. Past issues can be found at

    If you would like to register as a Member of the ACQol, please complete the membership form at

    There is no charge or other obligation attached to becoming a member. The form also provides an option to join the International Wellbeing Group. The IWbG is a Specialist Group within ACQol, whose members have an interest in the development of the Personal Wellbeing Index.

    Emeritus Professor Robert A. Cummins

    Director, ACQol

    School of Psychology

    Deakin University, Melbourne

    Robert Cummins <>

  • 28 Mar 2020 2:18 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)



    Linking Sustainability and Happiness: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives

    Contracted with Springer Nature,, the book will present both applied and theoretical perspectives linking sustainability and happiness. The volume will offer critical discussion, constructive insights and informed guidance for future research and applied work that can move us closer toward a sustainable future. We will open the book with a critical review of environmental, social, and economic sustainability theories and happiness principles. We will also include an overview of the biological underpinnings of happiness, mainly focused on subconscious actions that promote our own fitness. The book will then include two major parts where authors can contribute, as detailed below, followed by a concluding section.

    This edited volume with all new material is planned at 12-16 chapters of original work. Chapter authors are invited from around the globe, providing a variety of theories, practices, and perspectives.  There are two major parts to the volume: Part I - theories and methodologies that link sustainability and happiness (e.g., participatory research, quality of life research, sustainable development theories, asset-based community development, spirituality perspectives, and emerging theories on sustainable community development and happiness, community well-being, integrative medicine and happiness, and beauty and happiness); and Part II - applied practices meant to promote greater opportunities for happiness on the ground. Practices should also focus on simultaneously promoting sustainability. Many examples and experiences are welcomed.

    Proposals are sought for all sections. Please submit your chapter proposal to me at: Proposals should include: (1) your proposed title; (2) an abstract of no more than 500 words; (3) section preference (Part I or II); (4) format type - whether short essay of up to 2500 words, or chapter length from 2500 – 8000 words; (5) your contact information; and (6) a short ½ page biography. The format for the volume will be APA style. Anticipated publication date is 2019. The due date for proposals is March 31, 2020 (decisions on proposals will be sent by April 5, 2020 with full chapters due by July 1, 2020). Chapter authors receive a copy of the book, once published. Please reach out with questions.

    Scott Cloutier, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, School of Sustainability

    Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85282

    P: (603) 285-2296 E:


    March 31st, 2020

  • 28 Feb 2020 1:46 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Call for papers for European Sociology Association’s Research Network 9 “Economic Sociology” conference in Warsaw (September 2020);  session on socio-economic development, well-being and happiness

    Dear Colleagues,

    Below are: (1) Call for papers for European Sociology Association’s Research Network 9 “Economic Sociology” conference in Warsaw (September 2020), and (2) Brief description of my planned session on socio-economic development, well-being and happiness. I cordially invite you to submit the paper proposal (abstract) for my session. If interested, please use the link provided below in the official call for papers and read the session description inserted below this call. Feel free to distribute this e-mail among your potentially interested colleagues.

    Regards and greetings

    Krzysztof Zagorski

    Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland  

    Dear economic sociologists,

    we would like to invite you to submit abstracts for one of the 14 thematic sessions or to the general conference track of the mid-term conference in Warsaw (September 2020).

    Abstract submission: April 30th, 2020 
    In your abstract please clearly state the research question addressed, the theoretical arguments and data/ methods used, if the paper is based on empirical research. We will review the abstracts according to whether the paper makes a comprehensive and original contribution. Submission form is available On the conference website hosted by the organisers Mikolaj Pawlak and Marta Olcon-Kubicka [
    LINK TO THE FORM]. On the conference website hosted by the organisers Mikolaj Pawlak and Marta Olcon-Kubicka. Please check also RN Website for more additional information:


    Andrea Maurer


    Session on: Socio-economic development, well-being and happiness – problems, measures, findings

    Convenor: Krzysztof Zagórski

    While economists more and more widely accept subjective and objective well-being as an important social goals of economic development, especially in a framework of the relatively new branch of economics, namely “happiness economics”, national income (GDP or GNP) still remains the most commonly used indicator of development. On the other hand, sociologists still relatively seldom include purely economic processes, economic growth included, as the topics that should be incorporated in sociological investigations. Several widely known social oriented indexes of human development or progress underestimate or totally neglect economic growth and other economic processes as their components. This session will discuss interrelations between economic and social as well as objective and subjective aspects of development, with special emphasize on human well-being and happiness. Three types of papers are invited: theoretical, methodological and presenting research findings on national or comparative international level.

  • 18 Feb 2020 9:01 AM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    Call for Papers - Special Issue ' Philanthropy and Community Well-Being for the International Journal of Community Well-Being Published by Springer,

    We are happy to announce a forthcoming special issue on Philanthropy and Community Well-Being.

    Guest Editors: Patsy Kraeger, Ph.D., Georgia Southern University Rhonda G. Phillips, Ph.D., FAICP, Purdue University

    Background: There is recognition that community well-being is of increasing importance and concern to those who work in and study philanthropy from scholarly and practitioner perspectives. This special issue would enable more attention and scholarship to an important area of inquiry.

    The impact of philanthropy on community well-being will be explored from both objective and subjective measures in communities, public policy, and community partnerships and other related areas. We seek to explore measures of community well-being for the role of philanthropic institutions and communities served in the US and globally. Finally, the goal of the special issue is to bring together both cutting-edge scholarship and practice that addresses and enhances community well-being and the practice of philanthropy. We seek papers which examine the intersection of philanthropy and community well-being from single or multidisciplinary approaches.

    Potential contributions: We invite researchers studying any aspect of building community well-being and philanthropy to contribute to the special issue. The types of papers may include: • Theory building • Empirical research studies • Case studies or ethnographies

    We are seeking original articles (max. 7,000 words, all inclusive).

    Submission guidelines:

    Timeline: • March 31, 2020: Deadline for Proposals from potential contributors (see below) • September 30, 2020: Manuscript submission deadline • December 31, 2020: First decisions regarding submitted manuscripts • March 31, 2021: Revised manuscript submission deadline

    Proposals: The proposal should be a word document containing the following: (a) manuscript title (which may change), (b) the names, affiliations, and emails of authors, and (c) a proposal (~500 words) of the planned contribution that includes: a summary of the key issues and/or research questions the paper will address and its relevance to the special issue. For empirical papers, information should also be provided on the sample, methods, measures/variables, and results.

    Submit your abstracts to: Patsy Kraeger, Ph.D. to

    The Guest Editors are happy to answer questions about the scope of the special issue and the potential fit of a manuscript. Authors who do not submit a brief proposal by March 31, 2020 may still submit a full manuscript by the September 30, 2020 deadline (however, we cannot guarantee full consideration of these submissions).

    Full manuscripts will be submitted to the IJCWB through the journal’s online submission system and will be subject to double-blind peer review. We do not guarantee eventual publication of all manuscripts.

    Thank you for your interest and we look forward to receiving your proposal!

  • 26 Jan 2020 9:57 PM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    We are looking for candidates with a documented interest in well-being or development economics research. With proof of econometric skills and statistical/mathematical knowledge. Candidates pursuing research in a field related to the organisation of well-being and sustainability are of particular interest. Within this field of research, the School of Economics can offer opportunities to partake in various research projects collaborating with universities in New Zealand and Europe. Research potential will be the key selection criterion, and the successful candidates are expected to carry out research suitable for publication in highly ranked international peer reviewed journals.  

    Learn more and download application:


  • 23 Jan 2020 11:27 AM | Jill Johnson (Administrator)

    The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) was established in 1995, making 2020 our 25th year anniversary! Our success and longevity as an organization would not be possible without the generous support, time, and work done by all of our members and community. 

    To commemorate this milestone, we are offering a special Anniversary T-shirt to anyone who makes a donation in the amount of $25 USD or more to the ISQOLS Education Travel Grants. Travel grants provide funds for students from developing countries to attend the 2020 Conference in Rotterdam, Netherlands (August 25-28). 

    To make your contribution, please visit and select "Education Travel Grant" as your choice for your donation. A confirmation email details will be sent to you upon receipt of your donation. 

    Questions? email: 


The International Society for
Quality-of-Life Studies

P.O. Box 118
Gilbert, Arizona, 85299, USA


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